CEO of Brighter Futures Learning Partnership Trust since 2019. Significant experience of leading the development of the Multi Academy Trust, including the oversight of the business case as well as the opening of a new school; Doncaster UTC.
Formerly Headteacher of Hungerhill School for more than 5 years. Designated National Leader of Education with a successful track record in school improvement.
Since joining the Trust two of the primary schools have secured ‘Good’ Ofsted judgements on the more ambitious framework. One of these schools had been judged as ‘Requires Improvement’ for more than 15 years.
Served as a Head of School in a secondary school in Nottinghamshire; worked with leaders to develop the first ‘hard federation’ in the country.
Held a number of key roles in education and business. Extensive experience of Initial Teaching Training (University of Nottingham) in the role of Specialist Lecturer.
Held position of School Improvement Consultant and MFL Adviser for Nottinghamshire LA, working across primary and secondary phases of education.
Served for many years as a governor in both primary and secondary settings, including being a governor in a local primary multi academy trust.
Previously trained as a Management Accountant (C.I.M.A) leading a large finance department and working in Treasury in the Sheffield Region.
Hungerhill School, Doncaster
2013 - 2019
Head of a large secondary school- designated as a Teaching School and National Support School. Secondary strategic lead for Partners in Learning; Teaching School Alliance and Doncaster Research School. Held responsibility for chairing the Secondary Headteacher Board in Doncaster.
Alderman White School
Head of School
2006 - 2013
Head of School – Federation School Improvement Adviser
Nottinghamshire LA - Advisory and Inspection Service
School Improvement Consultant/MFL Advisor
2002 - 2006
CEO – oversight of all business and operational functions, including finance, HR, IT, Estates and governance across the Trust.
All areas of school improvement and self-evaluation.
Lead educationalist in setting up Doncaster UTC and forming the Brighter Futures Learning Partnership Trust in 2019
As CEO of BFLPT, significant responsibility for all areas of school improvement supporting headteachers, leaders and local governing boards to create the policies, systems and structures to develop strong curricula and pedagogy across the Trust. Have oversight of the development of effective monitoring systems.
Experience of designing and implementing effective governor CPD.
As an NLE and experienced secondary leader, have successfully fulfilled a number of key roles which have developed and supported a number of schools to improve student outcomes. This impact of this work was reflected in a number of Ofsted reports both in and beyond Doncaster.
CEO of BFLPT since 2019. Headteacher of large secondary school since 2013 and Head of School since 2006. Held a number of leadership roles, including Deputy Head Curriculum and Assessment, Head of MFL and Citizenship.
Qualified Management Accountant – worked in a range of business contexts with the aim of improving efficiency and value for money.
Extensive HR and data experience specifically in schools through my roles as CEO and Headteacher. Considerable experience as a governor in both primary and secondary settings, including being a governor in a local primary multi academy trust. Experience of using data for tracking performance and securing improvements in children’s progress.
In business, led on the development of MIS and financial systems. Experienced Management Accountant with responsibilities of large-scale budget management, implementation of financial controls and systems, financial reporting.
Oversight of all IT systems across the Trust and alignment of networks to support sharing of ‘good’ practice
Excellent knowledge of finance and business. Currently have oversight of all Trust finance and accounts.
Considerable experience of effective budgetary management and financial forecasting.
Trained as a Management Accountant (C.I.M.A) in the steel industry 1987- 2003 at United Engineering Steels leading a large finance department and working in Treasury.
Wide-ranging professional experience across both education and industry, having a strong commercial background and senior, strategic roles in education.
Experiences have supported the creation of 2 new Trusts, the most recent being BFLPT.
Planned for, designed and worked with a wide number of stakeholders to set up the BFLPT and open a new school which is heavily over-subscribed.
Successful school improvement strategies are currently having impact across the Trust as evidenced through Ofsted and the success of the UTC.